速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Benson's Commentary of the Bible (Tr

Benson's Commentary of the Bible (Tr





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本


Benson's Commentary of the Bible (Trial Version)(圖1)-速報App

Joseph Benson (1748 - 1821) was a prominent Methodist preacher in England. He was born in Melmerby, Cumberland. At sixteen he joined the Methodist movement and in 1766 Mr. Wesley appointed him to be the master of Classics at Kingswood School. He applied himself to the study of philosophy and theology.

Benson's Commentary of the Bible (Trial Version)(圖2)-速報App

Working closely with John Wesley he would preach to crowds of up to twenty thousand. After John Wesley's death he became the head of the publishing arm of the organization. The circulation of the Methodist Magazine rose sharply under his leadership he authored a multi-volume commentary on the entire Bible.

Benson's Commentary of the Bible (Trial Version)(圖3)-速報App

This app is cross-linked to the World English Bible.

Benson's Commentary of the Bible (Trial Version)(圖4)-速報App